I guess this should be called the Not-Breastfeeding Update. :(
After my
Appendectomy, my milk supply, which was already almost nothing, really took a nosedive. I didn't do anything as far as pumping on Monday, the day of my surgery. On Tuesday I was able to pump once while in the hospital. It was hard to find a balance of sitting up and not squishing my just-cut-open belly and getting a good seal on the suction cups. Then Wednesday I was at my sister's most of the day and i don't remember what all I did. By the time I got back to work on Thursday I pumped my normal 2 times and got less than a 1/4 oz. Aggregate. That was the point I gave up. I just coudn't take an hour out of my work for that. SOOOO.... we are now soley on formula. :( It sucks. It stinks. Its expensive. It makes her spit up more. . But what can you do? At least she'll be starting on solids soon... in my head I feel like the cost might go down then... Am I dreaming?