Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What a Monday!

I'm sure you were just waiting at the tips of your fingers for my Monday and Tuesday Pics of the day. Just DYING for them... but as you can see, they are not here.  But I have a good excuse this time...

I was in the hospital.  Stupid appendix. 

On Sunday night, some friends came over with yummy Butternut squash macaroni dinner and I ate way over my limit, like i always do with this meal.  But 2 hours later I felt like i was still full, and complained to Barry that I thought I ate too much.  I went to bed "full" but had to keep a pillow between my legs to stay comfortable.  I woke up a few times that night feeling pain in my abdomen and dreamt I had kidney stones. (yuk).
I woke up about 5:30 Monday morning to go pee again (hoping it would feel better) and Barry asked if i was OK. I showed him where it hurt and he immediately thought it could be my appendix.  We got on webMD and after clicking on the symptom "pain increases when you press on it" a pop up exclamation point says "GO TO ER."  GREAT.... Of course I didn't listen, but did leave a message for my doctor.  He called back and said "Go to ER."  Fine, Fine...
I still wasn't too bad, so Barry stayed home with Alexsa and I drove myself to St. Vincent's. I was seen pretty quickly and first got an ultrasound.  They found an ovarian cyst on my left side, but the pain was on the right. They didn't seem concerned w/ the cyst, so I was off to a CT Scan. Not 10 minutes after the scan and I got back to  my ER room the ER doc came in and said "Its appendicits, the surgeon has been called and you should be in surgery in about an hour." HOLY Shit. That's pretty overwhelming.
I freaked out a bit.  I know its one of the most routine surgeries out there, but going under anesthesia can be dangerous in the most mundane conditions.  And now that I'm a mom its a bit scarier.  Luckily my dad was able to be there and I wasn't alone.  Barry was able to get a neighbor to watch Alexsa and came up to the hospital before I went into surgery.  Eventually the anticipation turned into "lets get it over with". 
Then it was time.  They wheeled me into the OR and i actually climbed myself onto the table.  That's about the last thing I remember before waking up in recovery.  It was laproscopic, so I have 3 small incisions on my belly (just adding to the pile of stretch marks. Oh well. Goodbye stomach I never knew.)
I stayed the night in the hospital and should've been home sometime late this morning, but the surgeon was in surgery all day and finally discharged me at about 8:00pm. 
Of course Barry had to bring me go-home clothes and brough me a maternity dress i kept as an around-the-house moomoo.  AND of course Hiro had eaten the end of it. AND of course I didn't think to ask for underwear. So I had to pick up my perscription looking like a peasant. A peasant commando.
Now I'm home, saw my sweet baby girl sleeping in her crib and I'm ready for a shower. My tummy looks like I just had a baby again, and my throat hurts me more than my belly does really (from the intubation). 
Good night!


Angelle said...

Holy crap! I am SO glad you went to the ER and it didn't get worse! Anyway, that is a traumatic incident to occur spur of the moment like that but it sound like you handled it like a champ. Lots of love for a quick recovery!

BTW, I love your new blog look.

Mandi said...

Unfortunately, Angelle, I now have to use my time I planned to use on Labor Day weekend. :(

Nikki said...

Yikes! So glad you are ok!

Rhiannon said...

Wow, that is crazy! I am so glad you are ok! I hope you have a quick recovery.

Eternal Lizdom said...

Oh man!!! Scary!! Good thing you listened to the doc and got to the ER!