Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What's That Smell?

The other night Barry was watching TV when i went to give him hugs and kisses. As I kissed his neck I noticed that he smelled 'funny'. It was not a nice smell, but I for whatever reason kept sniffing around to try and figure out what it was he smelled like. "Did you take a shower today?"
"*Sniff Sniff* You smell...*Sniff* like my Grandpa...*Sniff Sniff*... "
Barry was like, "well I did hang out with Chris today and he smoked a cigar."
"AWWWW! You really DO smell like my Grandpa!!" So then i started sniffing all over.
I told my mom about the story and she said that interesting because this week will be 4 years since he died. Awwww. I'll have to hang out with Chris more often. :)

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