Wednesday, February 3, 2010

T Minus 3 days?

Well, here I am, 3 days from our due date, and I have not felt ONE contraction.  I was in such a funk for the last week because i was CERTAIN she would come early.  So on Monday I put Alexa in Uterine Time Out. I decided I wasn't going to talk too much about it and told my family not to ask me how i'm feeling anymore (as they had been like every 5 minutes).  Tuesday was a much better day and I actually felt good walking around.  Today is still in question.

If you don't follow me on facebook, at my last appointment I was 70% effaced but 0cm dialated.  My next appointment is friday and because my doctor isn't an OB, he typically doesn't check for dilation.  I'm juggling with making him check me or just letting it go. I don't want him to go through with it to just learn that nothing's changed.  My family, of course, wants to know what's up, and if I have progressed it would be a nice confidence boost. 

I find it interesting that my pregnancy is so different from my mom's and Denise's.  Both of them had early babies that were small.  At my last ultrasound, around 35 or 36 weeks, Alexa was already 6lb 6 oz and had a melon head.  Now that I'm going to full term (or beyond!) I'm nervous that I won't be able to do a natrual birth under the squat bar like i'd hoped.  Even my doctor, who had been saying that my hips could handle a big baby, was reasurring me last appointment that there are great OBs on hand in case of a C-section.  I know i shouldn't feel inadequate, but I fear I will if it doesn't go a certain way. (She's already not behaving how i'd like her too!)  I know she will come on her time.. but i feel like i'm going to be pregnant for the rest of my life! (And I'd really like a beer, please!!)


Erin and Rick said...

Aww, hang in there! You're so close. It's hard to be patient when you're so ready & excited! Just trust your body- now, and during labor. God MADE us to do this. And if natural doesn't work out, don't beat yourself up- everyone's birth experience is their own journey to take, and just trust your body and do what feels right. Love ya!

Garret said...

"So on Monday I put Alexa in Uterine Time Out."

Ha ha ha. =)

Angelle said...

You ALWAYS feel like you are going to be pregnant forever at the end. Love you girl, hoping for the delivery of your dreams (but not like your next post!).

Rhiannon said...

You can have him check you if you want, if it will make you feel better. Though, I was 2 cm and 80% effaced for weeks, I ended up being a week overdue but had to be induced because of low fluids. So, sometimes it's nice to know and sometimes it sucks! lol

Don't believe any of that mumbo jumbo that you are too small to deliver your baby, that's just a bunch of bs! Can't wait to see your fb post about going to deliver!