Thursday, April 3, 2008

Oxford, Here I Come!

I was texting a friend yesterday in response to his text saying that he just bought Rock Band on the xBox 360. I meant to say SWEEEEEEET!! But with the wonders of T9, it ended up SWEDEDEDEU!! Buahaha! So I have decided to make it my goal in life to get the word Swedededeu in Oxford's English Dictionary right along with Bootylicious.
Therefore, let me 'splain. Swededeu can have a miraid of conotations:
  • "Swedededeu! Rockband is awesome!"
  • "Do you know how to get to Main St. from here?" No, eh, swedededeu? *shrugging shoulders*
  • I just spilled my beer! Swedededeu!

and my personal favorite:

  • Swedededeu, Muthafucka! (Obvious Die Hard Reference)

So, in conclusion, help me in my efforts to add Swedededeu to the dictionary. Use it daily.

...Now if i could just get Beyonce to write a song about it.


Angelle said...

You crack my a$$ up. Get it? Crack? A$$?

Mandi said...

...I don't get it. :(