Friday, July 24, 2009

I'm Annoyed With My Nose

I have been pretty lucky, as far as pregnancy goes. Tomorrow will mark the end of my first trimester (!!!) and I haven't been terribly sick or craving anything strange. The one thing I have had, that doesn't seem to be letting up, is f'ed-up sinuses. My nose won't run, but won't stay clear either. I feel like I'm never getting enough oxygen or something, then I get tense and my neck starts to hurt and/or i get a headache. If i could hold my nostrils open all day, it'd be GREAT. OR, the phlegm/snot/whatever you call it drains down the back of my throat, which makes me gag, which makes me throw up (especially in the morning or brushing my teeth).

I'm just ready for this sinus thing to QUIT! I mean, they say it gets easier after the first trimester, right? Well, that's tomorrow. Deadline is here. I'd like to breath easy now, ok?


Garret said...

LOL. Funny post.

Boozy Tooth said...

So - on the first day of your second trimester... how is the snot factory? Hopefully shut for good.

Laurie said...

Not to be a downer or anything, but it wasn't until after I gave birth did my sinuses clear up enough so that I didn't wake the dead with my snoring at night anymore...

Garret said...

During my 8th trimester I lost a toe.