Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Braydon, Oui Oui!

Ya'll. My nephew is the most rediculously cute little thing EVER. He's 2, but his verbal skills are really behind and he's a bit smaller than the average 2 year old. This makes his facial expresions, gestures and grunts all the cuter. When he does speak he sounds like a little French boy: "Dah-DEE!= Daddy". Last night we were at my parents house for dinner (once a week we all go over and have a family dinner.)
After we were all finished eating, Braydon proclaims: "Mom-EE! Bath!" Denise (sis) says, 'ok Honey, we'll see.' A few seconds later he is busy playing with the sliding glass door (open, close, open close, open...) when my dad wants to walk through. In all his 3 ft splendor, he slams the door shut, stands in front of it with arms outstretched and says "PAPA! BATH!" in the most serious tone. Like, "You are now my hostage until SOMEONE gives me a bath!!" Needless to say, 10 minutes later there's a naked 2 year old running around the house. But that's another blog. :)


Laurie said...

Sometimes I feel like doing that.

Ok. Everyone OUT of the house. Mommy needs a damn shower!!

NaeNae said...

He is the cutest thing!